- Lifeline
Call 0800 543 354
or text 4357 - Youthline
Call 0800 376 633
or text 234 - Samaritans
Call 0800 726 666
The Akiaki Community Participation service offers customised one on one support for people who want to overcome barriers to education, employment and/or participation in the wider community.
Our model of facilitation is adapted from the Enabling Good Lives principles
- Self-determination – participants are in control of their lives.
- Person-centred – participants have supports that are tailored to their individual needs and goals.
- Ordinary life outcomes – participants are supported to live an everyday life in everyday places; and are regarded as citizens with opportunities for learning, employment, having a home and family, and social participation
- Mainstream first – participants are supported to access mainstream services before specialist Mental Health services.
- Mana enhancing – the abilities and contributions of participants and their families are recognised and respected.
- Easy to use – support is easily accessible and flexible.
- Relationship building – supports, builds and strengthens relationships between participants, their whānau and community.

Individual goal plans are developed in partnership with a Facilitator.
The focus of the work undertaken is:
- Participation and inclusion in the participants wider community. Participants will explore options to support greater involvement in their community. This may include joining social activities, sports/recreation, interest groups etc.
- Further Education /Training. Participants explore and connect with training or study options based on career planning. This may include tertiary study or short courses/workshops.
- Confidence Building for Work. Participants develop skills to enhance their confidence to *prepare for job seeking. This may include support into volunteer work.
*Akiaki Ora does not support people into employment. However, when participants express a desire to find employment they may choose to be referred to Ember Employment
Referral to Akiaki Ora
Akiaki Ora is available to people from 16-65 years of age who have experienced mental ill-health. Referral to the service can be made by any of the following:
- Self-referral
- Community Support Worker
- Community Mental Health Centres
- Supported Accommodation Providers
- Family / Whanau
- General Practitioner
- Other Ember services