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Te Ahi Kaa monitors Te Ao Mãori cultural responsiveness and cultural confidence for Ember Korowai Takitini.
Manaakitia ki nga Tangata whai i te ora, whãnau, its employees and those communities it serves as part of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
It comprises members from the Board, SLT, Ember employees and our Tangata Whaiora. This group provides advice and support to Ember Korowai Takitini on Te Reo and Tikanga Māori practices
He aha te mahitahi o te ahi kaa? What is the purpose of te ahi kaa?
Provide advice and support to Ember Korowai Takitini on Te Reo and Tikanga Māori practices.
Provide comment and recommendations on matters of Ember Korowai Takitini policy and practice to improve cultural responsiveness to Māori.
Support and strengthen engagement between Ember Korowai Takitini and Mana Whenua in their respective regions.
Build knowledge and meet the needs of staff and tāngata whai i te ora within Ember Korowai.
At Ember we choose to implement Te Tiriti O Waitangi principles in our organisational policies and procedures not because we are obligated but because we know that this approach is necessary to achieving the best outcomes for Māori and all people.

Our Kaumātua

I have had a long and varied career started at the Bank of New Zealand, where I stayed for 24 years. From there, I moved to the Ministry of Education where I encouraged young people into training and apprenticeships. After that, I moved into health, putting in two years as a manager at Starship Children’s Hospital before helping to set up the Māori health provider for Ngāti Whātua. I now work at Te Puna Hauora, a Māori health provider on Auckland’s North Shore.
People involvement has always been the reward for me – dealing with people and working for people, In all jobs I’ve had dealing with people has been the highlight – particularly people who are finding life difficult to contend with. I am humbled to sit on the Board of Ember Korowai Takitini – I have been connected to them before they were formed and as kaumātua I help to guide and protect their connections to tāngata whaiora of all origins